Compressor, Air conditioner
This part has a core price (deposit) of € 145,-. This charge is refunded to you when you return the “old” Compressor to us.
Before returning the used Compressor, be sure it is complete and that it is properly cleaned.
All transactions are done securely
We strive to deliver your order as soon as possible
View our return policy
Additional info:
Attention! Warranty rules for AC compressors:
Please note. Warranty issues can only be processed if they are returned including the bill and a copy of the bill from installation showing that the following works have been done:
- replacement of the dryer-filter
- replacement of the control valve (orofice-tube, expansion-valve, or pipe including control valve)
- flushing of the whole system (NOT the compressor)
- filling with the correct amount of the suitable cooling agent
At delivery compressors can not or partially be filled with oil. The correct filling has to be checked and corrected if needed before installation. The used oil has to be appropriate according to the manufacturer´s specification.
9-3 from 2003 to 2011. All models with engines Z18XE
OEM # 13191995