SAAB Car Parts is one of the webshops of
Swedish Car Parts
We are a subsidiary of Quality Car Parts.
We originated from Automobielbedrijf Soest in 2010 and continued completely independently in 2020, as an operating company of Quallity Car Parts.
In order to serve VOLVO and SAAB-loving Netherlands as well as possible, we opened our webshop for SAAB on January 1, 2010.
After a resounding start in 2010, we set up a completely new webshop in 2011 to serve you even better. In 2012 we opened the Volvo webshop and we deliver throughout Europe. From 2014 we also deliver worldwide.
Our mission is: To offer the widest possible range of high-quality parts. Partly due to the supply of parts from direct suppliers of SAAB and VOLVO itself, we can guarantee this quality.
You can find us at:
Weteringpad 64 (by appointment only)
3762 AND Soest
We are registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amersfoort under number: 80477585
VAT number: NL001961542B98
IBAN: NL27 INGB 0004 8646 66